JAY Wilber
So many times , we talk about healthy chapters and what they look like . We say a healthy chapter is one that has many members , keeps busy , or all the members love each other . Well , not always are these chapters healthy .
Is a chapter healthy when all they do is fellowship , and no one ministers ? Is a chapter healthy when they only work events but don ’ t fellowship and love on each other ? How about a chapter that does all the outside activities but never prays ? Do you get the idea ? We just can ’ t measure a healthy chapter based on activity .
I believe if we don ’ t focus on the reasons why we do what we do , then we drift away from why we are here .
Scripture says , “ Whatever you do , work heartily , as for the Lord and not for men ” ( Colossians 3:23 , ESV ).
If we look at this scripture , we need to understand whatever we do , however we do it , we need to make sure our activity and focus is on the Lord .
Looking at the life of Jesus , we know He had a passion and mission for the lost .
“ For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost ” ( Luke 19:10 , NLT ).
Reading this , you can see that Jesus ’ focus was on seeking out lost souls to save them . You might say that was where His heart was . Where is your heart and how does that affect your chapter ?
So , is our chapter healthy ? Maybe look at the last year ’ s chapter quarterly reports . Don ’ t look at the numbers , but the types of activities you as a chapter have been involved in . This will tell you what is important and where you are focused .
“ For where your treasure is , there your heart will be also ” ( Matthew 6:21 , ESV ).
So many times , when we look at this passage , we think of money only , but let ’ s think of it as areas of ministry or what you are passionate about . When you do this , remember all ministry is good , so I don ’ t want you to think when looking at your activities you are doing something wrong , but we are talking about a healthy CMA chapter .
The mission of a CMA chapter is to minister to the motorcycling community with a focus on evangelism . Our focus this year with
Seasons is Biker 2 Biker ministry . When you look at your activity and see where your passion is , that is really your treasure . Where your treasure is , that is where your heart is . So , a healthy chapter needs a healthy heart .
Again , remember all ministry is good , but a true healthy CMA chapter focuses on the treasure of lost bikers ’ hearts . You see , we are called to reach lost bikers , so the true treasure of CMA is the motorcycling community . That is why in
CMA changing the world , one heart at a time is so important .
The question is , is your chapter healthy ? Look at your treasure and you will know if your heart is in the right place . CMA