CMA HeartBeat March 2020 | Page 3

CMa national Events John Ogden Sr Ray Burns Charles Hale Bob Sandberg March 6-14 Daytona Bike Week Daytona, FL March 1 CMA Day of Prayer Nationwide March 17-19 Pastors’ Retreat Iron Mountain, Hatfield, AR March 13-15 Utah SOR Sandy, UT March 17-19 Pastors’ Retreat Iron Mountain, Hatfield, AR March 13-14 Kansas SOR Salina, KS Lyle Herman March 27-29 Southern California SOR Riverside, CA March 17-19 Chet Upp Pastors’ Retreat March 28-29 March 17-19 Iron Mountain, Hatfield, AR Freedom Riders Bike Show Pastors’ Retreat Bismarck, ND Iron Mountain, Hatfield, AR Dan Gromko March 6-15 Roger Wilson Daytona Bike Week Chapter Visits Daytona, FL Build relationships with CMA members from around your state, meet the National Evangelist for your region, network with other chapters – and experience the vision of CMA! Invite friends, neighbors, and other motorcycle organizations for worship, fellowship, fun, and more! Additional details will be available on each state website, go to and follow the link to your state’s page. STATE Oklahoma Texas-West DATE LOCATION CONTACT April 23-26 April 30-May 3 Medicine Park Fort Davis Steve Brackeen Mike Negri PHONE 405-570-7796 940-733-8773 March 28-April 4 Mission Trip Central America March 14-15 Ramblers Bike Show Minot, ND