CMA HeartBeat June 2024 | Page 9



By PETER Helgerson


Christ ’ s followers , we are not strangers to giving testimonies or hearing testimonies from another CMA ’ er . These testimonies are not just formal statements but personal narratives that connect us deeply to our faith . Let ’ s first define what a testimony is . There are many descriptions of a testimony because they are involved in many different aspects of our society . Still , here , we have combined a few aspects to help us focus on what a testimony is .
Definition : A formal written or spoken statement – one of evidence , attestation , or affidavit – Truth – a solemn declaration – a praise to honor God / Christ .
Even Jesus spoke many testimonies when being questioned as to who He was . John 8:12 ( NLT ), β€œ Jesus spoke to the people once more and said , I am the light of the world . If you follow me , you won ’ t have to walk in darkness , because you will have the light that leads to life .” But in the next verse , the Pharisees said you are making those claims about Yourself . Such testimony is not valid . Jesus knew who He was and who sent Him . So , His testimony was true . In verses 17 and 18 of the same chapter , Jesus speaks of having two witnesses . β€œ Your own law says that if two people agree about something , their witness is accepted as fact . I am one witness , and my
Father who sent me is the other .” Jesus confirms that His spoken statement has evidence , and He can attest to it with the Father as truth .
It is pretty standard for us to use the word β€œ I ” in a testimony . We have witnessed something or experienced an event that , even though we acknowledge it came from the Lord , we tend to take credit for it . I have found myself so overwhelmed by seeing the hand of the Holy Spirit in my life that the little β€œ I ” word slips into the praise . Sometimes , this is out of sheer excitement and the realization that what we experienced was humanly impossible . But if we start each day in prayer , asking God to guide our paths and lead us to someone to share the Gospel with , then shouldn ’ t we attribute the credit entirely to Him ? Even the angel in Revelation 19:9-10 told John that he was not worthy of taking praise . β€œ No , don ’ t worship me . I am a servant of God , just like you and your brothers ... … Worship only God .” The angel wanted God to receive the testimony of what John had witnessed .
Another aspect of truthful testimonies is the building up of the chapter and its members . As we come together in fellowship , we should build each other up with solemn declarations of testimony of how God used us in a certain moment that only He could have
arranged . These testimonies , filled with the truth of God ’ s work , have the power to inspire faith in those who hear them . In turn , this begins to build the whole chapter as they feel God is using them wherever they go , seeking His will .
Remember , every testimony from the field is a testament to what the Holy Spirit has done and is doing because we strive to give God the glory as His servants , just like the angel . And though we may think a small testimony is not worth mentioning , these little blessings of being used contribute to the growth of our faith . So , bring them all to your chapter meeting , giving all the praise to our Lord .
β€œ He who is the faithful witness to all these things says , β€œ Yes , I am coming soon !” Amen ! Come , Lord Jesus ! May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God ’ s holy people ” ( Revelation 22:20-21 , NLT ). CMA
Peter and Laura Helgerson oversee the Northeast Region as National Evangelist .
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