CMA HeartBeat June 2024 | Page 6



By JAY Wilber

HAVE you ever wondered why God pursued you and called you to CMA ? It is a question we often ask . Why me , and why CMA ? During Seasons of Refreshing in South Dakota , someone shared with me something his pastor said during a Bible study . β€œ When God chose you , He had someone else in mind .” I had to think about it , was I the last choice , or was there more to it ?

I realized Jesus chose each of the disciples for a purpose and group of people to preach to . They all had different gifts and talents but had one purpose : to share the Good News with the world . When God chose you , He knew who you would be reaching .
The following scripture came to mind . I realize why John included this prayer in his Gospel . β€œ I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message ” ( John 17:20 , NLT ).
Jesus is saying to His Father , I have chosen these men for My purpose , and they will reach many people . In other words , this was
Jesus ’ plan all along . He chose us to reach everyone . We must realize and remember that Jesus ’ prayer was not just for His twelve disciples but for all He called . He chooses each of us for a reason . It did not stop with His disciples . The witnessing continues .
β€œ And then he told them , β€˜ Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone ’” ( Mark 16:15 , NLT ).
Think about when Jesus called Saul , who became Paul , on the road to Damascus . The purpose was not just to stop Saul from persecuting His followers but also to reach the Gentiles . He chose Paul because He had the Gentiles in mind .
So , why you and why CMA ? It is simple : Jesus had motorcyclists in mind . We have been given a tool and the power to reach a group of people Jesus wants to know Him . β€œ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you . And you will be my witnesses , telling people about me everywhere β€” in Jerusalem , throughout Judea , in Samaria , and to the ends
of the earth ” ( Acts 1:8 , NLT ).
What is our Judea and Samaria ? Gas stations , rallies , bike nights , and everywhere we ride . Are you ready to answer your calling ? Are you willing to reach the someone God had in mind ? Paul was clear when he shared his understanding of his calling .
β€œ Therefore I , a prisoner for serving the Lord , beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling , for you have been called by God ” ( Ephesians 4:1 , NLT ).
God has called us because He has someone in mind . CMA
Jay and Jane Wilber oversee the North Central Region as National Evangelist . 06βŽͺJUNE 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org