CMA HeartBeat June 2024 | Page 25



By BEN & RACHEL Larson


you ’ ve watched the Run for the Son Livestream , you would have seen Rachel and me attending our local chapter ’ s RFS ride and prayer time . This year we decided to highlight our local chapter because it is truly the foundation for family involvement in the ministry . My involvement with my family is where my now career started in CMA .
I ’ ve attended chapter meetings and events with CMA since I was three . This shows it ’ s possible to have families stay active in CMA . This wasn ’ t easy , but my family would say without hesitation that it was worth it . For my chapter , it took commitment , patience , and understanding . The Iowa Crossroad Riders in Des Moines , Iowa , didn ’ t stop my parents from bringing our family to their meetings and events , even when we were anything but quiet ! The chapter members treated us like their own and showed us how to be CMA members . They helped keep us entertained and made us feel welcome no matter what .
Because the other members invested in us , it made it easier for my parents to stay active and involved . We want to encourage you and your chapters to do the same . A tool we created to help you is this backpack packing list , also available for free at your state event ’ s Goodies store . If you bring a bag to your meetings , you can use this list to fill it with items
that will help young people stay engaged during your meetings and events . This tool can help you start conversations with young people , have fun with them , and make them feel wanted . These items can be catered to CMA Kids and Youth Movement age students ( though we hope your younger members will still be included in the meetings and encouraged to participate ).
When we travel around and talk about Youth Movement , we often hear members say they want families in their chapters , but they don ’ t have any . We often share this acronym to help chapters evaluate why some families might not be attending . It ’ s called APP : 1 ) Attractive : Is your chapter environment attractive to others ? Does it feel like a family ? Is there discipleship ? Is the vision of CMA and the heart of the Gospel clearly seen ?
2 ) Possible : Are your meeting and event days and times scheduled so families can attend ?
3 ) Purpose : Is there a purpose for families to bring their kids ? Is it harder for them to attend the meetings than to stay home ? Are all family members welcomed , seen , and included ? ( This is where the backpack can
come in , especially with children .)
When your chapter is prepared , families will feel loved and welcomed into the ministry . I pray that every student who comes to a CMA function will feel as welcomed and loved as I did . My relationship with the Lord would not be what it is today without the love and discipleship I have received through my CMA brothers and sisters in Christ . And it all started in regular chapter meetings all those years ago . CMA
Ben and Rachel Larson serve CMA as National Evangelist-Youth Movement .
25βŽͺJUNE 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org