CMA HeartBeat June 2024 | Page 23



By TIM White


like Westerns , especially many of the John Wayne classics . I have always liked one particular Western series , Lonesome Dove . Though I have watched it a number of times , a recent viewing moved me in a different way . For those familiar with this saga , it ’ s the story of a group of retired Texas Rangers and their accompanying workhands who , with nothing better to do , undertake the adventurous task of driving a herd of cattle from Texas to Montana .
While on this daring journey led by Captains Call and McCrae , this determined group of cowboys faced just about anything nature could throw at them , from raging rivers , poisonous snakes , and wind storms to heat , thirst , Indian attacks , and bitter cold . They faced numerous challenges , some that even cost a few their very lives .
As the story unfolded , my mind went to our CMA Chapter and how several who were instrumental in its formation and perseverance are no longer on the journey with us . Smiley Havice , Mike Voegle , Bear Warner , and The Dan West , just to name a few , have β€œ fought the good fight and finished the race .” They are now relishing the rewards of their labors while on this earth !
The last task of Captain Woodrow Call was to fulfill a promise to his closest friend , Captain Augustus McCrae , when on his deathbed : to take his body all the way back to Texas to a special little grove he held fondly in his memory . Being a man of word and determination
and yet another grueling task McCrae insisted he take , Call did make good on his promise .
Upon revisiting the little town along the Texas-Mexico border , a reporter who was also in Lonesome Dove recognized Call and attempted to interview him about that utterly remarkable journey . Call continued to ignore all the reporter ’ s questions – until he stated , β€œ They say you ’ re a man of vision .” It is then that Captain Call ’ s mind flashes back to all those memorable moments and , after a bit of solemn reflection , responds , β€œ A man of vision , you say . Yeah , a heck of a vision .” At that very moment , CMA ’ s vision struck me ! Of the Shreves who first shared their vision , and our current CEO , John Ogden Sr , and the commendable leadership he provides with the sincerest conviction so that this vision might endure all our challenges today .
I ’ m thankful for our CMA State Coordinator and her husband and for all our Area Reps and their efforts so sacrificially to ensure our individual chapters never lose the CMA vision … changing the world , one heart at a time !
I once read that maintaining a clear vision and purpose is imperative for achieving and sustaining success . Our common enemy , being the thief and deceiver he is , will use his tricks to dim your vision and thus thwart your effectiveness . I encourage you to stay the course .
Abilities will never limit us , only a lack of vision . As Olympian Gail Devers once said , β€œβ€¦ to achieve anything
requires faith and belief in yourself , vision , hard work , determination , and dedication . Remember , all things are possible for those who believe !” And to all my CMA brothers and sisters , I reiterate the encouragement so often shared by Bear , my former Revelation Riders compadre , β€œ We win !” CMA
Tim and Deb White are members of Revelation Riders # 927 in Sandusky , Ohio .
23βŽͺJUNE 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org