CMA HeartBeat June 2024 | Page 19




is the first year for
Rugged Cross Riders of Lafayette , Georgia , Run for the Son Ride and Rally . We were praying that this event would introduce the importance of RFS to many people . Our area has a large motorcycle presence , and our chapter has formed a great relationship with them . We began to pray for a great move of God in the chapter and our area .
Our chapter was close to going inactive towards the end of 2017 . Many members decided to step back from being active , leaving not enough members to fill officer positions . Our motorcycle community didn ’ t think Lafayette had a chapter anymore . The chapter began to grow in 2019 , and then COVID hit . Some members decided not to return .
Last year , we held a successful BBQ and Bike Show , raising over $ 3,500 for RFS . Through prayer , I felt God telling me it was time to step up our RFS efforts and step out in faith . Following the 2023 RFS ride , our chaplain approached me about having a bigger event for RFS 2024 . YES , God was not just talking to me ! The planning began . We met with the Lafayette city council and were given the go-ahead for the event . We were contacted by many of the surrounding CMA chapters about attending and serving . Also , many of the secular groups showed interest . Local musicians and vendors confirmed participation , including a local Gospel group and a popular BBQ restaurant from Alabama providing a food truck
Tune in next month to read about the success of this inaugural event . CMA
Don ’ t forget to send us your tips and testimonies so we can share them with others . Please send them to rfs @ cmausa . org
Russ β€œ Rainman ” Victor is a member of the Rugged Cross Riders # 981 in Lafayette , Georgia .
Regional RFS Team Leads
Region 1 Hazel Coomes 360-250-1600
Region 2 Jeremiah Johnson 520-990-5657
Region 3 Steve & Nancy Gorder 608-574-5543
Region 4 Alan & Pam Morris 870-598-4006
Region 5 Sharon Bowers 301-842-2026
Region 6 Kelly & Denise Newsome 706-799-0229
June 19 Director ’ s Meeting Hatfield , AR
June 19-23 CMA National Rally Iron Mountain , Hatfield , AR
John Ogden Sr June 24-27 Evangelist Meetings Hatfield , AR
Ogden continued June 27-30 Moto Guzzi National Rally John Day , OR
Dan Gromko
Charles Hale June 14-15 Prison Visit Malvern , AR
Lyle Herman
Doug Johnson
Bob Sandberg
Chet Upp
Roger Wilson National / International Support Center Hatfield , AR
19βŽͺJUNE 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org