CMA HeartBeat June 2023 | Page 6



06βŽͺJUNE 2023βŽͺshop . cmausa . org
By JEROD McPherson
SERVANTS the 1990s and early 2000s ,

IN church planting movements across the globe began using the term missional communities as a way to describe a committed core of believers who live out the mission of God together in a specific location by demonstrating the Gospel in tangible forms and making disciples . 1 A simpler definition of a missional community would be a family of missionary servants who makes disciples ; and I cannot think of a better way to describe a healthy local chapter in the ministry of CMA .

CMA chapters as family Local CMA chapters are family in more ways than one . Those who have experienced the transformation of the new birth are brought into the new family of God in a way that unites and bonds us . John 1:12 ( NLT ) affirms , β€œ But to all who believed him and accepted him , he gave the right to become children of God .” Ephesians 2:19b ( NLT ) would say we are β€œ no longer strangers and foreigners ” but instead , now we are β€œ citizens along with all of God ’ s holy people … members of God ’ s family .” As members of a local CMA chapter , all having been redeemed by the power of Jesus , we are united as the family of God . We gather , not as a club or an auxiliary group , but through Jesus , as blood relations , brothers and sisters in God ’ s beloved family .
But even further , CMA chapters are family in they live and experience life together . They hang out together , get to know each other in deeply personal ways , and remain faithful to each other in the highs and lows of life . CMA chapters are family because they are there for you to pray when you are sick , comfort you when you mourn the loss of a loved one , and celebrate with you at the birth of a child . The members of a local CMA chapter feel they belong there , part of something bigger than themselves .
CMA chapters as missionaries We understand God ’ s family is a β€œ sent ” family ( Matthew 28:19,20 ; Mark 16:15 ; John 20:21 ; Acts 1:8 ). The family of a local CMA chapter is β€œ sent ” on a mission to proclaim the Gospel of Christ , working to fulfill the commission of Jesus . In this way , CMA local chapters are more than a family that fellowships and cares for each other ; they are families who understand that together they have a special , specific calling . Local CMA chapters are missionaries to the motorcyclists of their communities . Healthy , active CMA chapters are made up of members who have a working understanding of their calling as missionaries to motorcyclists . Jeff Vanderstelt describes the way this missionary calling is fleshed out in everyday life : β€œ This means people ’ s schedule , resources and decisions are now collectively built around reaching people together .” 2 The evangelistic calling of a local CMA chapter is the very DNA of the ministry of CMA . Healthy CMA chapters have a growing understanding of what their calling is and make decisions and take actions with the mission always in mind .
CMA chapters as servants These families of missionaries to motorcyclists know that Jesus has provided a very clear way of carrying out His mission . In fact , He modeled it . β€œ For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many ” ( Matthew 20:28 , NLT ). Members of local CMA chapters follow the example of Jesus when we give our lives in the service of others . We serve each other selflessly , we serve the motorcyclists of our community untiringly , and we put others ' needs ahead of our own ( Philippians 2:3,4 ). When a local CMA chapter , a family of missionary servants , serves the bikers of their area , something amazing happens : relationships form , the Good News is presented in a way that is Holy Spirit empowered , and people ask the question we hear so much , β€œ Why are you doing this ?” Living as humble servants , CMA chapters give the most powerful witness of Jesus to those motorcyclists who don ’ t have a relationship with Him yet ( Philippians 2:5-11 ).
Think of the impact of over 900 missional communities we call CMA chapters all over the United States . May the Lord grant us the grace to continue to grow into true families of missionary servants who are changing the world , one heart at a time .
Jerod McPherson serves as Vice President Evangelistic Outreach . 1
Missional Community ( 2023 ) Wikipedia . Wikimedia Foundation . Available at : https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Missional _ community ( Accessed : April 26 , 2023 ). 2 Jeff Vanderstelt : What is a missional community ?:( 2011 ). Printable : Verge network , Verge Network | Equipping Leaders for Mission . Available at : https :// vergenetwork . org / 2011 / 01 / 07 / jeff-vanderstelt-what-is-a-missional-community-printable / ( Accessed : April 27 , 2023 ).