CMA HeartBeat July 2024 | Page 13

EVANGELIST ARTICLE other and be a family that loves and helps in times of need . I know of many times Christians have helped someone get a motorcycle fixed or to a shop , helped someone move , provided meals when needed , or kept up their yard while recovering from an injury , etc .

EVANGELIST ARTICLE other and be a family that loves and helps in times of need . I know of many times Christians have helped someone get a motorcycle fixed or to a shop , helped someone move , provided meals when needed , or kept up their yard while recovering from an injury , etc .

Practicing hospitality . Invite people over to a meal . At motorcycle rallies or camping trips , invite people to sit with you and offer refreshments or a chair and shade . It ’ s amazing the opportunities to speak truth or pray with someone that can come from simple hospitality .
Bless those who persecute you ; bless and do not curse . This is much harder to swallow , but it ’ s what God asks us to do . If we do it for God , it is easy because He gave the ultimate example . Think about Jesus hanging on the cross after being mocked , hated , beaten beyond recognition , and hung to die a terrible death . As He was suffering and drawing some of His last breaths , He cried out , “ forgive them , Father , for they know not what they do ” ( Luke 23:34 , NKJV ). It reaches right down into the heart ; could I still bless those who were persecuting me ? Jesus still loved them and still loves all that none may perish and accept His love and the free gift of salvation . No one is too far gone for Jesus to save . So , if we look at those who persecute us with God ' s eyes , we will see a son or daughter that God loves and wants to save . That should be our heart for them as well .
Rejoice with those who rejoice , and weep with those who weep .
Whether happy or sad , we should be there for each other in triumphs and trials .
Be of the same mind toward one another . We have been given the same forgiveness and Savior , and we agree that Jesus is the way , the truth , and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Jesus . If we hold to that simple truth , we can see each other in the light that we are the most high fellow sons and daughters of God . God calls us to unity . Our witness and our effectiveness in ministry are dependent on this . Who will want to become a Christian if all they see is a group of people who disagree with each other ’ s beliefs ?
Do not be haughty in mind , but associate with the lowly . Do not be wise in your own estimation . Proverbs 21:2 ( NKJV ) “ Every way of a man is right in his own eyes , But the Lord weighs the hearts .” How many people think their ways are right ?
Never repay evil for evil to anyone . Our flesh would say to get them back and get even , but God knows what ’ s best for us . Repaying evil with evil hurts our hearts , can escalate the situation to where we ought not to be , and can have an eternal effect on us , the people around us , and even our loved ones .
Respect what is right in the sight of all people . If it is possible , as much as it depends on you , be at peace with all people . It gets increasingly hard to live peaceably without offending someone , disagreeing with people over social media , or
about how chapters should be run ; church life , our government , political views , and even sporting events can cause heated conversations . When we spend our time disagreeing , this , at the very least , will quash the ministry that could have happened . So , how important is our opinion if it breaks down communication between those needing to get to know our Savior ? How likely are they to listen to the Good News if we are busy arguing our point , right or wrong ?
So , let ’ s see if we can summarize what behaving like a Christian is all about . Matthew 22:37-40 ( NASB ).
“ Jesus said to him , ‘ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart , with all your soul , and with all your mind . This is the greatest and foremost commandment . The second is like it , ‘ You shall love your neighbor as yourself .’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets .’”
If we focus on loving Jesus and loving people as much as we love ourselves , all the verses above about behaving like a Christian will fall into place . CMA
Doug and Terri South oversee the West Region as National Evangelist .
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