CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 4



JOHN Ogden Sr

AS we start a new year , I am reminded that Jesus is in control . We can trust Him and follow Him . Even though the world seems to be upside down , I am very optimistic and have great hope for the future . The ministry of CMA is stronger than ever before . The family of CMA is more united and ready to see what God is going to do . We have the anointing and provision of God to accomplish His will . We are seeing more people come to faith in Jesus than ever before . I see the hand of God uniting teams of CMA Family and sending them out . God has prepared the path before us ; the way is clear .

This year ’ s Seasons of Refreshing is Overflowing , Confident Hope .
β€œ I pray that God , the source of hope , will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him . Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit ” ( Romans 15:13 , NLT ).
Our world desperately needs hope ; real , everlasting hope . Hope is only found in Jesus . He has called us to take this message of hope to the motorcycling world . Our call is changing the world , one heart at a time .
I want to encourage you to make this year ’ s Seasons of Refreshing a
priority . Let ’ s lock arms and take the love of Jesus to the streets .
Becky and I look forward to seeing you on the highways and byways in 2024 . CMA
John Sr and Becky Ogden , John is CEO / Chairman of the Board of Directors .
04βŽͺJANUARY 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org
January 3-5 Evangelist Meetings Hatfield , AR
January 6 Director Meeting Hatfield , AR
John Ogden Sr January 12-13 Southeast RLM Fruitland Park , FL
January 26-27 Florida SOR Fruitland , FL
Dan Gromko January 11-13 Southeast RLM Fruitland , FL
January 18-21 Northeast RLM State College , PA
Gromko continued January 26-27 Florida SOR Fruitland , FL
Charles Hale
Lyle Herman January 11-13 North Central RLM Newton , IA
January 26 Cornerstone Cyclists Winter Party Lincoln , ND
Doug Johnson January 6-20 National / International Support Center Hatfield , AR
Bob Sandberg Chet Upp Roger Wilson December Testimonies from the Field Correction
Michael McClain and Carl Ford wrote the December Testimonies from the Field article . They are both Area Reps for Kansas . Michael and Carl work the Abate event every year , and we truly appreciate their hard work at the events and all they do for the state of Kansas . Thank you , Michael and Carl !