CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 13



By BEN Larson

WHAT an opportunity we have heading into a new year ; we have the chance to start fresh . What has held you back in the past year and kept you from becoming the person God has called you to be ? β€œ Cast your burden on the Lord , and He shall sustain you ; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved ” ( Psalm 55:22 , NKJV ).

With us heading into a new year , it ’ s the perfect time for us to move past difficulties or challenges we have faced . Psalm 55:22 calls for us to cast our burdens on the Lord , who will sustain us and be everything we need . When we face hard times , He will always be there for us to lean on .
Another verse I think about when facing difficulties is Matthew 11:28-30 ( NKJV ): β€œ Come to Me , all you who labor and are heavy laden , and I will give you rest . Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me , for I am gentle and lowly in heart , and you will find rest for your souls . For My yoke is easy and My burden is light .”
God doesn ’ t say He will give us an easy life , but He does say He will sustain us and provide us with rest . But what does it mean to sustain us ? I believe this means that He will give us everything that we truly need , no matter if we think it is what we need or not . God knows what is best for us and what we need . You may ask , β€œ What is rest ?” I believe rest is us finding peace within the storms that we may go through . It is finding joy amidst the trials .
I want to encourage and challenge you to expect good from the Lord and be excited about all He will do in the coming year . We know He will provide all our needs and give us the direction we need .
When Jerod McPherson , Vice Presiden Evangelist Outreach , started Flame On , his purpose was a fresh start . The goal was to have a space where young people across the country could be together to start the new year closer to God . To be together , ignite their β€œ Flame ” or relationship with Christ , and start the new year out strong . CMA
Ben and Rachel Larson serve CMA as National Evangelist Youth Movement .
We had an incredible time at Flame On , celebrating how great our God is ,
and we look forward to another great year ! Thank you to all who came to attend and serve ; the event would not be the same without you ! If you
were able to be at Flame On this year , don ’ t forget what God did in your life and the times you had with Him . If you could not attend or want to watch the services again , visit https :// www . youtube . com / user / CMAUSAdotORG . And consider coming next year !
13βŽͺJANUARY 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org