CMA HeartBeat January 2024 | Page 11

TESTIMONIES happen , but the Holy Spirit came and woke my spirit up and told me to go home with an expectation God had people Rich and I needed to go and share Jesus with .

TESTIMONIES happen , but the Holy Spirit came and woke my spirit up and told me to go home with an expectation God had people Rich and I needed to go and share Jesus with .

Then , God sent a preacher named Tommy Oglesby to give a Holy Spirit-filled sermon that changed our lives forever . It was the last sermon of the retreat , and Tommy told us that β€œ There is somebody out there God wants you to talk to … you have the living water of Jesus in you , the hope of glory in you … you know the story of Jesus .” Tommy told us , β€œ There is somebody out there waiting for you to speak to them about the message of Jesus !” Then he reminded us that Jesus had to go through Samaria and that we must go home and go through our ministry ! He told us , β€œ You have somebody that is a divine appointment on your schedule . You don ’ t know who it is , where it is , why it is , but God has an appointment set – don ’ t you miss it !” Tommy ended his powerful message by telling us that β€œ we have to get out there and tell the story !”
Rich and I left the Pastor ’ s Retreat with renewed purpose and passion for telling the world about Jesus ! We were so excited to get home and dive into the divine appointments God had waiting for us in Salt Lake City . However , God had other plans , and just as Tommy said , β€œ You don ’ t know who it is , where it is , why it is …” God spoke to us a few weeks later , saying , β€œ Get up and go to Mesa , Arizona , for I have a divine appointment waiting for you there !” So , to our surprise , we will be moving to Arizona at the end of the summer . We can ’ t wait to tell the people in Mesa about Jesus , the world ’ s Savior ! Thank you , Bob and Gale , for listening to the Holy Spirit , who knew how empty we were . Thank you , CMA Utah , for sending us to the Pastor ’ s Retreat , where Jesus came and filled our nets with fish and spirits with His living water and reclaimed our mission for the lost . If you know of a pastor who is tired and thirsty , send them to this powerful retreat next year so they can come alive again in their calling to be a shepherd to God ’ s people ! God ’ s blessings to you all . CMA
Rich and Susan Westland are members of the New Life CMA chapter # 1024 in Mesa , Arizona . 11βŽͺJANUARY 2024βŽͺwww . cmausa . org