CMA HeartBeat January 2022 | Page 10


10⎪JANUARY 2022⎪shop . cmausa . org
COMMUNITY we talk about knowing your motorcy-


cling community , how does that influence your chapter ’ s health ? I have seen healthy chapters , and I have seen unhealthy chapters . The common factor in a healthy chapter is motorcycling .
Before we go any further , we , as chapter members , need to ask ourselves a few important questions .
1 . Do you know your motorcycling community ?
2 . Does your motorcycling community know you ?
3 . If they do not know you , how - can you minister ? 4 . If you are not involved , why ? 5 . What is stopping you ?
Ministry opportunities come from getting involved in your motorcycling community . Getting involved in your motorcycling community gives your chapter an opportunity to grow . The more you are involved , the more people see who you are .
When I first became a member of CMA , I was in a chapter that was extremely involved in the motorcycling community . The chapter president was a man that everyone knew . He was well respected in the community . I asked him one time what his secret was . He said the following , which stuck with me .
• You need to just show up
• They need to see you
• You earn the right to speak
• You need to be involved
Being involved means showing up
and being willing to help in any way you can . Be a friend , show you care , take the risk of being rejected .
So why is being involved so important ? It is the way CMA evangelizes . During Seasons of Refreshing last year , we discussed Biker 2 Biker ministry .
• What is the CMA way of Evangelism ?
• Presence Ministry
• Servant Ministry
• Telling your Story
Nothing happens until you show up . You must be present to build relationships , meet needs , and share Jesus . Just attending a chapter meeting does not fulfill the calling God has on your life . We need to go where they are .
“ If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil , it is hidden only from people who are perishing ” ( 2 Corinthians 4:3 , NLT ). When we do not go and only spend time with each other , we are putting a veil over the Good News . So , remember we need to be involved .
Be a servant ; be willing to help in any way . There are many opportunities to serve at events . Serving someone and not expecting anything in return will have a tremendous impact in building relationships . The term “ Here if you need us ” is our DNA .
Tell your story . Share from your heart . People want to know why you care and why Jesus is important in your life and how He can change theirs . Your story does not always have to be your testimony . Sometimes we need to just share
about our life .
As leaders , we need to fulfill our responsibilities . You can find this in the CMA Handbook under officers ’ responsibilities , but it really is not just for officers ; it is for everyone .
“ Find out about and get involved with local groups and clubs in your area . Ministry opportunities come from relationships . Get involved and encourage your members to do the same .” ( CMA Handbook III : 4 )
As a leader , you need to lead by example . Your members are looking to you for guidance and direction . If it is not important to you , it will not be important to them .
What type of bikers are out there ? How do I get involved ?
• Traditional bikes ( cruisers )
• Sportbikes
• Adventure bikes
• Off road
• Racing
Each of these areas are unique but the same . They all contain bikers that like to ride . We have more in common with them than differences . A motorcycle is a motorcycle . No one expects you to be everything to everyone . But if you ride , you will fit into one of these groups . To them , just showing up will open doors and touch hearts . They will appreciate that you are showing interest in their form of biking .
If you want to get involved but struggle to know where to look . Here are a few areas to go .
• Dealerships
• Bike nights
• Local ride groups . ( HOG , GWRRA , Star Riding Group ,
( continue on page 11 )