CMA HeartBeat January 2021 | Page 23



By ZEKE McPherson

LOOKING back to

January last year , we had so much planned for CMA Youth Movement ( YM ) in 2020 . What a tough year it was as events got canceled left and right . This year , we are still excited and ready to see the Lord move in CMA YM . I wanted to use this slot to tell you about a couple of events we have on the calendar so far .
We ’ re planning to take a YM Mission Trip to Peru for CMA YM ’ s Mission 2021 . This trip is still open ! If you are interested in going , please email events @ cmausa . org at your earliest convenience . The dates are May 29-June 7 . We will be traveling into Lima , Peru and ministering to many churches with young people . We will have music , dramas , sports , and just about anything else we can think of to draw in young people and point them to Jesus . Samantha and I will be leading this trip , and we are excited to serve together with those who attend in Peru .
Secondly , we have the official LLMX Mission Trip to the MX track at Loretta Lynn ’ s Ranch in Tennessee . Registration for that mission trip opens in early January , so please check your calendar and see if you can come ! Adults and students are both welcome ; adults in attendance must have their Ministry-to-Minors Sticker from CMA National . The family plan is also returning this year ! Bring your family group or youth group of four for a discounted total cost !
We look forward to connecting with you all over the next several months ! There are other plans for CMA YM in the works as well , and
we will make sure to keep you in the know through the HeartBeat as new opportunities develop . God bless you as you plan for what 2021 looks like for you . We can ’ t wait to see how God blesses the ministry of CMA Youth Movement this year . CMA
Zeke and Samantha McPherson serve CMA as Youth Movement National Evangelist . 23⎪January 2021⎪www . cmausa . org