CMA HeartBeat January 2020 | Page 6

Evangelist Article “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10, NASB). don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!” Many of you have heard this catchy saying before, but it’s more than just a cute or catchy thought, it actually gives us a great example of what servant evangelism is. Check out this definition and you will see how servant evangelism works. 1 Servant Evangelism is a combination of simple acts of kind- ness or service, and intentional per- sonal evangelism. This is the simplicity of servant evangelism, it is an important ele- ment within the ministry of CMA and it works for all of us. When you serve or “meet a need” for another person, they can see tangible evi- dence that you do care, and it opens the door for you to share what you know, the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Servant evangelism is very effec- tive in leading the lost and dying world to Jesus. It all begins and develops through those one-on- one personal relationships we develop. When you consider the lives that are changed and the souls that are saved through CMA mem- bers around the world who serve and share, the impact for the Kingdom is tremendous. Think about it; what biker does- n't like to be given a cold drink of water on a hot day? Or a hot cup of “P EOPLE coffee early in the morning, or even late at night? Of course, there are many other areas where we can minister (definition of minister - 2 to give aid or service ) that will impact others in a positive way. This is especially true if the one serving is smiling, joyful, and having fun. When we serve and minister to the needs of others it changes peo- ple’s perceptions of Christians. We no longer become just those Jesus people shoving a Bible down their throat or looking down our noses judging their actions or lives, we can actually be seen as someone who really cares about them. When they see that we care about them, their hearts open. It’s very simple and quite effective, servant evan- gelism wins the heart before it con- fronts the mind. When we engage the heart of a person, they are likely to set aside their skepticism and be more open to hearing the message we are delivering. Christians often assume that if we can change the mind of a non-Christian their heart will follow along. But, through our acts of service, we touch the heart first, and allow the mind to follow along. These acts of service or kindness touch people’s hearts and nudge a person closer to God, often in a profound way because it bypasses one's mental defenses. It’s pretty safe to say that any Christ-follower is willing to hand a stranger a cup of water or coffee because it is a low-risk situation. But, once that happens grace often jumps in and takes shape in the typical reaction that we see in return. “Oh, thank you!”; “This is great, it’s just what I needed!”; “I can’t believe this is free!”; and, “Why are you doing this?” Our answer is really very simple, but deeply profound and heart touch- ing, “I’m doing this because Jesus loves and cares for you.” Meeting a need is great, but we need to understand that the main reason we are serving is so others can see why we serve and who we serve! We minister and serve because Jesus loves us and He loves the one we are serving. It works a lot like “Show and Tell.” You can’t just demonstrate this love of Jesus; you have to tell them about the love of Jesus. Just because they see a good person serving doesn’t mean they will know that Jesus is the reason and that He loves them. We tend to think of evangelism as someone telling someone else about Jesus Christ and that person accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The truth is it works a lot like growing and harvesting an ear of corn or some other crop. During the evangelism process you might have several people involved who tell a person about Jesus Christ, and others who serve through acts of kindness and serv- ice, all done in the name of Jesus Christ. Then one day someone is able to pull in the harvest when that person gives their heart and life to Jesus. Look at what Paul said- 1. Alvin L. Reid, “Reaching a Postmodern World through Servant Evangelism,” Atlanta: North American Mission Board, 2000, 2. Merriam-Webster Dictionary, s.v. “minister,” accessed December 5, 2019, By RANDAL Tebeau