CMA HeartBeat January 2020 | Page 23

youth movement By ZEKE McPherson We’ll start the summer off together in Peru on CMA Youth Movement’s Mission 2020. This trip is still open! If you are inter- ested in going, please email [email protected] at your ear- liest convenience. The dates are May 30-June 8. We will be travel- ling into Lima, Peru and minister- ing to many churches with young people. We will do music, dramas, sports, and just about anything else we can think of to draw in young people and point them to Jesus. There is so much more to this trip than I can express in a few words in the HeartBeat . Samantha and I will be leading this trip, and we are excited to serve together with those who attend in Peru. Next up, we have a few regional events for CMA Youth Movement happening in various places around the country. We will have more detailed information about each of these events as it comes out over the next few months. SpringForth 2020 • This exciting Youth Movement retreat started as a way to get students back together after Flame On to get to know each other more and worship together. It is an exciting retreat filled with games, fun, and the presence of Jesus. This North Central Region event happens in Wisconsin! For more info, please contact Ben and Rachel Larson at [email protected]. Accelerate! • The Rocky Mountain Region is holding, for the first time ever, a regional youth event of their own. Accelerate happens in Colorado, and is open to stu- dents 12-18. Please reach out to Richard and Andrika Ruiz for more info, [email protected]. Five Alive • What used to be “Firecracker” is transforming to a new kind of Youth Movement get together called Five Alive. This event takes place in the Northeast Region, and it is a wonderful time of getting to know each other, goofing off, learning about Jesus, and making real, long-lasting rela- tionships. Please reach out to Mike and Stacey Griffin for more info, [email protected]. Finally, we have the official LLMX Mission Trip to the MX track at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch in Tennessee. Registration for that mission trip is open, so please check your calendar and see if you can come! Adults and stu- dents are both welcome; adults in attendance must have their Ministry-to-Minors Sticker from CMA National. The family plan is also returning this year! Bring your family group or youth group of four for a discounted total cost. We look forward to connecting with you over the next several months! God bless you as you plan for this year’s amazing events! CMA Zeke and Samantha McPherson serve CMA as Youth Movement National Evangelist. year in Youth Movement there is more going on than ever before. There are regional events hap- pening in various parts of the country, and there are more ways to interact with what God is doing in CMA Youth Movement! T HIS