“ AND do not be conformed to this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind , that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God ” ( Romans 12:2 , NKJV ).
The Word of God must be first in our lives and be a place of guidance and direction for everything we do . When we read His Word , we find solid , unchanging truth that provides a strong foundation for building our lives on . God is not ruled by culture , history , community , family tradition , or any other thought . Even when the world is upside down , God remains right side up . He does not change .
When there is confusion , go to the Word of God ; it brings clarity . When there is struggle , go to the Word of God ; it brings strength . When there is disappointment , go to the Word of God ; it brings hope . When there is joy or success , go to the Word of God ; it tells us to praise Him for all good things . There is no other way .
I want to encourage you to allow the Word of God to transform you and renew your mind that you may know the will of God . This year will be a monumental year for CMA . We will reach new areas of biker evangelism and see an expansion of world evangelism through Run for the Son . We will see and experience the presence and power of God like never before . He will be with us and
go before us . Go with great expectation to be part of God ’ s movement to call all men to salvation .
I look forward to seeing you down the road . CMA
Dan Gromko February 10-18 CMA RFS Mission Trip Paraguay
Charles Hale Lyle Herman
Bob Sandberg Chet Upp Roger Wilson
05⎪FEBRUARY 2023⎪www . cmausa . org