CMA HeartBeat February 2020 | Page 13

Testimonies Many times we find ourselves in places we never dreamed we would be. Sometimes it is based on decisions we make, sometimes it is outside influences that deter- mine our circumstances. Whatever the situation we must either make a decision to stand on God’s Word or try to find the worldly solution for it. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) says, “don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done, then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can under- stand. His peace will guard you hearts and minds as you live in Christ.” As you read this testimony from Gary and Denise think about how you would react in this situa- tion. Is your faith strong enough? I heard one time that we don’t need great faith in God, we just need faith in our great God. God Bless, Jay and Jane Wilber, National Evangelist- North Central Region from North Dakota! My name is Gary Jensen. My wife, Denise, and I are members of the Dakota Sonshine Riders #883, in Jamestown. I wanted to take a moment to share a testimony with you. On July H ELLO 1, 2018, I suffered a stroke and was left nearly incapacitated at 58 years old and in good health. A random blood clot had entered my brain, which resulted in swelling the size of a baseball. My physical and mental score was 6 out of 100. I spent a week in the hospital going through every test you can imagine and all of them came back negative. I couldn’t stand, turn my head, or even look to the side without getting sick to my stomach. I had double vision and needed assistance to stand and walk; however, the motion of standing made me sick as well. My doctors were confused, as they couldn’t find anything wrong. My heart was good, my veins were good, and my blood work was good…all my tests were good. I spent nearly three months on the sofa in a seated position, as I could- n’t turn to lay down without getting sick. Denise (bless her heart) had to wait on me constantly and help me with my walker to go anywhere. My emotions were all over the place as my Indian Motorcycle was new and now sat idle in the garage as I spent months wondering if I would ever ride again. Denise and my physical therapist did their best to keep my spirits up and keep me going. I can’t imagine what it was like taking care of me. At a meeting with my neurologist a few months later, he showed me pictures of my brain from a day after my stroke and a current image. He said white is bad and the first image of my brain was nearly all white. He looked at the current image and said my brain now actu- ally looks better than his. Then he said “I’m not sure why you are still here,” as he believed this stroke should have killed me. Denise and I looked at each other and simultane- ously said, “We do.” It was evident Christ was with me from the start. We learned the blood clot killed the vein it was in so it was not able to keep moving. The blood flow also prevented the clot from backing up. Had the clot continued on, it would have messed me up real bad. Instead, the clot stopped and in time disappeared and the swelling subsided completely. I still have some minor numbness in my right arm and get light-headed. That’s right, by the grace of God and the power of prayer we are back on the bike and riding for the Son! According to my doctor, within time, I should experience a near 100% recovery. God Is Great! Denise and I were in the process of buying a house and the sale went through shortly after my stroke so Denise was left with the task of packing and moving everything her- self. She gave a shout-out to our CMA chapter members and they came in droves to help, moving everything in our home to the new house in one evening. That's why we call our CMA chapter a family. God bless them! CMA By GARY Jensen