CMA HeartBeat December 2023 | Page 9



By DOUG South
WE GATHER TOGETHER ? we have guests at a

WHEN chapter meeting , what impression do they leave with ? Better yet , when we go out as a chapter on a ride , stop for lunch , or get ice cream , what do you think the people around us hear in conversation ? If we were at a rally ministering and went back to camp just hanging out being friends , should we talk about the state the world is in , our government , or one of many other issues we tend to complain about ? Should we talk about how bad of a job our President is doing or the agenda of most media and entertainment to destroy our kids ? No , while these things are a genuine concern and need our prayers , if this is what visitors to our chapter or people sitting around us in a restaurant or rally hear , they will probably label us as judgmental Christians . They might never turn around and ask us why we are so happy or where all our joy comes from . They might never come back to our CMA meetings if they have a different opinion or think all we do is sit around and grumble about this world .

I love what it says in Romans . β€œ I pray that God , the source of hope ,
will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him . Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit ” ( Romans 15:13 , NLT ). If we can take this in , we will realize that we have so much to be joyful for and that God gives us peace when we trust Him . Then , it is clear that we should overflow with hope , and our conversations should overflow out of our heart ’ s abundance .
Jesus says in Luke , β€œ A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart , and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart . What you say flows from what is in your heart ” ( Luke 6:45 , NLT ).
If this is true , then our conversations should make others around us notice the joy , peace , and hope that overflows within us . In our chapter meetings , visitors should leave with a perspective that God has been good to our chapter , and there is such joy in the members ’ hearts . In restaurants , people should turn around and say I love listening to your happy conversations ; it is so refreshing to hear hope and peace in this time .
We will be healthier , and our chapters will grow as we become refreshed instead of rehashing
what is all around us . Our chapters will become lights and reflect our great and awesome Savior ’ s hope and joy instead of just being unhappy and discussing the darkness . It ’ s time to shine like never before ; it ’ s time to be set apart , not in judgment , but in hope and love .
I leave you with this prayer from scripture . β€œ I pray that your love will overflow more and more , and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding . For I want you to understand what really matters , so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ ’ s return . May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation β€” the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ ” ( Philippians 1:9-11a , NLT ).
Terri and I love you all . CMA
Doug and Terri South oversee the West Region as National Evangelist .
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