CMA HeartBeat December 2020 | Page 28

Article Continued

( continued from page 13 ) hurts , fears , and a prayer of rededication .
The next day when I called RG to check on her , I heard a whole new joy in her voice . Of course , I was thinking , Wow ! I asked if she would like me to help her to find a church . She was in a city 1,000 miles away . She said , no need , I think I found one . I knew God works fast but this was overnight . Then she told me she had an interview the next day for a job . God was certainly in control . She told me there was only one more thing she really needed . She wanted to find a group of Christian bikers like her and her husband for fellowship . Now tell me God didn ’ t orchestrate the two-year trip to this destination . God knew my response when He began setting this meeting up two years earlier . He knew my response one month earlier when we took the class , and He was laughing right along with me as I gave her the contact
information and the president ’ s name of the CMA chapter in her town .
RG and her husband met with the chapter for breakfast the next Saturday and I believe she will be at Colors in 2021 .
This is only one of the many times I have seen God work in ways and areas that I never expected . By the way , her posts on social media now are praises to her King and Savior . God will move mountains in order to use you to change one life , if you will just let Him .
Thank You , Jesus , for trusting in this CMA member from Southeast Texas to change one heart , this heart , for You . Thank You , Lord , that all I had to do was to make myself available , You did all the work of putting everything into place . You planned that one phone call , the surfing through a newsfeed , the making of a movie , and the development of friends like
Carla , all to touch this one life . You are amazing !
Our next step is to form a new chapter in Houston , Texas , filled with those dealing with traumatic events in their past . As God heals them , and He will , they can help others going through crisis . Of course , God may have other twists and turns ahead before that next destination . We will continue to move forward , following His leading , one step at a time . CMA
Eric and Cheri Story serve as Area Reps for Texas Southeast . 28⎪DECEMBER 2020⎪shop . cmausa . org