CMA HeartBeat December 2020 | Page 25

Member Article


THIS year has been unique to say the least . Recently , I was finally able to serve at a couple of secular events , one of which was this past Labor Day weekend . I assisted along with a team of CMA members , the Solid Rock Riders # 712 , out of Sioux City , Iowa . We served at a secular event for the Fiddler Creek MX ( motocross ) track located in Homer , Nebraska . A few of our CMA team were sent to towers located at strategic locations around the MX track to “ flag ” a caution flag for racers in the event that there was a downed rider to warn oncoming racers to slow down and be cautious . This allowed a few of our , “ wiser spiritual warriors ” (“ younger ” than me ) to meet and pray with racers , family members , and to bless bikes . It was a real blessing to be a part of this event !

The CMA volunteer team at this event blessed approximately 100 bikes and prayed with many others there at the event . The event coordinators and announcer even asked us to pray over the event via the PA system with an opening prayer , and later also asked us to pray for a track injury .
Sunday evening , on our way home , two couples and I stopped at Culver ' s for some food and ice cream . I was running a bit late because I had a biker , another CMA member , who was using my rear bumper as a bench to put his boots on . Literally . This was my first outing with my rig , a used ambulance , which actually tends to open " A LOT " of doors . The two couples ( Wise Spiritual Warriors ) arrived at Culver ' s about the same time as a group of 15-20 MX riders . Shortly after we arrived , one of the ladies shared some pennies from her penny ministry with these young men . We mentioned that we had been at the Fiddler Creek MX track , and Barb jokingly said that I was arriving soon with an ambulance in case anyone got injured .
I arrived and parked right next to
Roger and Barb Plath ’ s trike and trailer along with Cary and Pam Klatt ’ s four-wheeler . After the young men had finished their meals , a few of them came over to our table and asked if they could get a sticker for their bikes . One young man asked if we would be out at the track the following day , on Labor Day , but we were only able to be there for the weekend . Barb asked if they wanted their bikes blessed . Roger asked the young men who wanted their bikes blessed to saddle up , and in short order we had 15-20 young men gather at the end of our table for prayer , right there inside the Sioux City , Iowa Culvers . Bikers tend to be a social bunch in varying and specific degrees .
God is Amazing ! He allows us new adventures around each corner and over each hill ; even if it is on the same track , each lap is unique ! CMA
Michael Capps II is a member of Spirit Riders chapter # 1242 in Iowa Great Lakes / Spirit Lake , Iowa . 25⎪DECEMBER 2020⎪www . cmausa . org