CMA HeartBeat December 2020 | Page 21

youth movement

By ZEKE McPherson


of the many reasons I love the ministry of CMA has to be the mindfulness of the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins . I cannot hardly walk across the room at a CMA rally without catching bits and pieces of a testimony being told . Many of us have been set free from addiction , made new after a broken marriage , or healed from what should have been a fatal accident . The joy and hope that has taken root in place of what was darkness bubbles out of us like a never-ending fountain . That is how the whole Kingdom of God should be about Jesus and what He has done for each of us .
Ministering to students is thrilling for this same reason . Unsurprisingly , the seeds of whatever darkness people struggle with when they become adults are usually present even when they are teenagers . CMA , through Flame On and other events , is teaching teenagers the nation over that there is freedom and hope available in place of having to tread the path of darkness and end up in a bad position like many of us adults did . This culture of being open about how good Jesus has been to each of us is being actively passed down to the next generation ; young members at rallies all over the
country have shared testimonies about their moment of salvation .
As I was considering this amazing character trait of CMA members in general , I was reminded of a pattern of Jesus ’ ministry . Not only does Jesus save people from sin , darkness , or afflictions , but Jesus also invites each one of us to purposeful , fulfilling existence here on Earth . When ministering to students , I intentionally pair moments of celebration of our newfound freedom with blessings of purpose and identity . I don ’ t know what God ’ s individual or niche calling is for each young person , but when we understand that we are now God ’ s child , we are Jesus ’ disciple , and we have a standing call on our lives to make disciples and teach other about Jesus , we find energy to seek God ’ s presence and to live righteously .
CMA members , I am honored to be in community with so many of you who unashamedly claim Jesus and speak out praise to Him for what He has done in our lives . May I add to that a blessing of purpose ? God has not only set us free , but He has claimed you as a son / daughter ! He has called you to continue the ministry on Earth following the pattern set out by Jesus , His son . God is now
your constant supply of strength to live a holy life and to live life with Him .
Imagine what CMA in your state would look like if we could channel the energy that we share in celebrating our freedom toward biker evangelism . Each time there is a praise of freedom , what if we reminded each other of the new purpose that God is moving us toward ? CMA , we are God ’ s children . We have a standing call to reach the lost , specifically lost bikers ! And we have God with us , which means energy enough to live righteously among the lost people of the world and stamina that comes from abiding in God ’ s presence along the way . Let ’ s change the world . CMA
Zeke and Samantha McPherson serve CMA as Youth Movement National Evangelist .
21⎪DECEMBER 2020⎪www . cmausa . org