CMA HeartBeat December 2020 | Page 19

RFS TIPS A GENERAL THANK YOU LETTER TO CMA Greetings from Trustees , Management , and Members of The Christian Faith Community in Malawi which is an indigenous missionary organization !

This letter serves to express our sincere thanks CMA for great work your office is doing in Malawi as well as throughout Africa through the donations we receive yearly for the purchase of ministry motorcycles and bicycles .
We also send our congratulations to MVI for being a faithful international partner with us since 2014 when we started a relationship in ministry . By that time our ministry had only 9 church plants in Malawi with 6 trained field pastors in our mission school . However , through this ministry partnership , with the use of the motorcycles and bicycles , our ministry ’ s mission and goals have been materialized tremendously ! We have been able to reach hard to reach communities for local missions .
Today , we can testify that we have 62 church plants in remotest areas where soul-winning , discipleship , leadership , and mercy works are implemented to all levels of people in the kingdom of Christ . We have currently 210 student pastors who are being equipped in our local mission schools throughout Malawi , especially in four respective training centres of Dedza , Ntchisi , Malomo , and Ngabu mission schools . These student pastors are church planters and evangelists in remotest communities of Malawi . They are able to reach out mountainous peoples , unreached peoples , socially outcasts and forgotten peoples through the motorcycles and bicycles we receive yearly from CMA .
We finally thank you for 6 motorcycles and 23 bicycles which have purchased and distributed this year of 2020 regardless of financial hardships due to COVID- 19 and other global factors .
We pray and stand with your office for more blessing for the sake of the Lord ’ s Kingdom in the world . Moses and Grace Chikuta Malawi MV Field Administrators
Letter submitted to Kerry Gibson , Kerry serves as Vice President Ministry Development .
Send us your RFS tips and testimonies . If we use them in HeartBeat we will send you a case of Hope for the Highway Bibles .
Regional RFS Team Leads
Region 1 Hazel Coomes 360-250-1600
Region 2 Jeremiah & Dee Johnson 520-990-5657
Region 3 Steve & Nancy Gorder 608-574-5543
Region 4 Dale & Jane Harrelson 903-571-4873
Region 5 Jerry & Rebecca Niver 740-771-4776
Region 6 Kelly & Denise Newsome 706-799-0229
19⎪DECEMBER 2020⎪www . cmausa . org