CMA HeartBeat August 2024 | Page 11





Family . The season is underway , and we are all super busy . We must all work together to reach the lost and bring them to the foot of the cross . The subject that I am going to talk about is chapter health . The handbook says the four elements of a healthy chapter are Prayer , Fellowship , Evangelism , and Discipleship . I am going to concentrate on fellowship ; while all of these elements are important , fellowship is what really brings people together .
We became close to our home chapter members when we spent time together . We are so busy as chapters doing our best to reach the lost and praying for people that sometimes we lose ourselves as people and what is going on in each other ’ s lives . My suggestion is to take the time outside of a chapter meeting to learn about each other . This might occur on a dinner ride , just spending time with others and learning about each other ’ s interests . I am not just talking about what kind of motorcycle we ride . We should ask and get to know things like how many kids we have and how old they are . What do we do as a family for fun ? A personal example of what I am talking about is our family enjoys going to the lake and tubing behind our boat .
We must also try our best to be transparent about our daily struggles . I don ’ t know many things that bring us closer to each other than praying together . We must remember that the Bible talks about taking care of the family of God even before we go into this lost and dying world . We must be as healthy as the body of Christ first , and then we can go into this world . Please be open to your chapter members and tell them information about yourselves that you would like to know about them . By doing this , I believe your chapter members will grow
closer to you and each other .
Don ’ t be afraid to be the first to host a fellowship at your home or suggest the chapter go to a movie together . Don ’ t be disappointed if everybody doesn ’ t attend the first time ; once they hear about all the great things that have happened , they will want to join in . Remember to have fun and take care of each other . Fellowship is so important as you grow your chapters . CMA
Steve and Lynn Brackeen oversee the South Central Region as National Evangelist .
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