CMA HeartBeat April 2023 | Page 23



By MIKE & STACEY Griffin
What is Five Alive ? This is not your regular summer youth camp . Five Alive is the CMA Region 5 Youth Rally that is held during the summer . It began as a rally for the youth in region 5 who could not make it to Flame On during the winter . Those who are familiar with the northeast region know that wintertime can be a difficult time to travel . Not to mention trying to get back home so the students can return to school can be a challenge . The idea of an event in the summer months came to be so the youth can gather , fellowship , engage in activities and games , hear God ’ s Word , and learn how to apply it to their lives . Our focus has always been to develop and strengthen a student ’ s relationship with Jesus . The bonus has been that through this effort , the adults find their own walk with God enriched as well .
The Area Reps-Youth Movement of the Northeast region meet and plan each year ’ s event focusing on having the youth get the most out of the event . We strive to have a high-energy , fun-filled weekend for the youth .
Who can attend ? This event is open to all youth ages 12 to 17
( 18 if you are still in high school ). We encourage all youth to attend ! You do not have to be a CMA Youth Movement member . We encourage any youth that may be interested in attending Five Alive to come , join in the fun , make new friends , and get to know Jesus better .
Can I volunteer ? CMA members and youth leaders with a current Ministry to Minors approval are welcome to volunteer at Five Alive . We encourage the interaction of leaders with the youth during games and small group sessions . Small group sessions are a blessing for many who volunteer , as the interaction has been known to benefit a student ’ s understanding as well as an adult ’ s understanding of how youth understand and see things . There is nothing like watching the fun when adults and youth participate together during the games and activities . We have been told how much fun was had by youth and adults alike , and it has been known to make you feel younger !
We have witnessed some amazing growth in relationships , with each other , between age groups , and individual relationships with Jesus because of Five
Alive and other CMA Youth Movement events .
Before I finish , Stacey and I have to take a moment to express our gratitude to everyone that makes this event possible . The list is long , as we could not put this event together without the help of everyone from Ben and Rachel Larson , National Evangelist-Youth Movement and Peter and Laura Helgerson , National Evangelist-Northeast Region , state leadership , and the Area Reps-Youth Movement that not only bring the youth to the event and participate themselves but have valuable input for the event each year . To all of you , our most heartfelt thanks ! CMA
Mike and Stacey Griffin serve as Pennsylvania Area Reps-Youth Movement .
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