CMA HeartBeat April 2023 | Page 21



West Virginia CMA started working with the race promoter and Snowshoe Mountain Resort to coordinate volunteers for the event .
Each year the number of volunteers has grown , and on average , there are 30 to 40 CMA members from multiple states that give of their time to do whatever it takes to share the Gospel with the GNCC community . At this event , doing whatever it takes has ranged from getting release waivers signed , picking up trash , parking lot security , race start crowd control , and managing race road crossings . Doing whatever the event director needs to help make things run smoothly for him . Doing all of those jobs has come with a few perks over the years .
CMA is encouraged to complete bike blessings at the start line before the race start . Participants have gotten so used to seeing
CMA that they seek out members to pray with them before taking the course . Due to how the race start is laid out , there is the opportunity to pray with the racer and usually with their entire family / crew . It is not unusual for CMA members to pray with a couple of thousand people throughout the weekend .
Another privilege CMA receives is being allowed to put up a ministry booth in a prime location on vendor row free of charge . That ministry booth has become a beacon for spectators and participants alike . Parents tell their children to go to that booth if they get separated , and participants go there for bike blessings and basic event information . Most importantly , though , people of all ages have come to the booth and left as different people , people who have given their life to our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ . That is what it is all about . That is why CMA volunteers freely give their time and resources at many events nationwide each year .
21βŽͺAPRIL 2023βŽͺwww . cmausa . org