CMA HeartBeat April 2022 | Page 10



10⎪APRIL 2022⎪shop . cmausa . org
Miles 50 Riding Time 1 hour Restaurants Red Dog Saloon
Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory
Attractions Street Vibrations Rally Main Street of America Gold Hill Silver City Carson City Motorsports
Dave and Gayle Erickson serve as Nevada State Coordinator .
By DAVE & GAYLE Erickson , as told to TOM & KATHIE Palazzolo

AROUND the nation , there are many rallies early in the year used to kick off the riding season . There ’ s Laconia Motorcycle Week , Myrtle Beach Bike Week , Daytona Bike Week , and others in the Eastern part of the United States . In the Western United States , mainly the Eastern Sierra ’ s , it was the Bridgeport Jamboree . After the Jamboree stopped being held , different promotors made several other attempts to continue the early season tradition .

In 2010 , Roadshows started holding their annual street vibrations spring rally in the Reno , Nevada area . Over time , the Street Vibrations Spring and Fall rallies have become the bookend events for the riding season for Northern Nevada and much of the West Coast .
This year marks the 12th annual Street Vibrations Spring Rally , to be held June 3-5 , 2022 . This rally actually takes place in the communities of Reno , Carson City , Virginia City , and Lake Tahoe . Although this rally is smaller and more intimate than the larger fall rally , many find the low-key atmosphere preferable . The area has much to offer for those looking to enjoy the beautiful scenery and great riding with fewer riders and smaller crowds .
During the event , CMA will have booths set up in two of the official venues of the rally . One booth at Carson City Motorsports dealership in Carson City and the other in Reno ’ s new Neon Line District .
The Neon Line District is a community effort to revive nostalgia from bygone days when US Route 40 , once known as the “ Main Street of America ,’” ran east to west through the heart of downtown Reno . The Neon Line District is currently anchored by the Sands Regency Hotel on North Arlington Ave .
Carson City Motorsports is familyfriendly and provides an opportunity to meet members of both the off-road and road riding communities .
Ministry opportunities abound through each of the four locations . Virginia City is a popular tourist attraction . Much of this original gold and silver mining town has been refurbished to invite visitors to experience the old west . Wooden sidewalks and hitching posts add a lot of flavor to the experience .