CMA HeartBeat April 2022 | Page 21



Someone with You – the theme for this year ’ s Seasons of Refreshing points our attention to the model Jesus left for us as He trained His disciples to spread the Gospel . I want to challenge you to take it a step further and think about how you can Take Someone with You to Heaven .
Matthew 28:19-20 ( NLT ) says , “ Therefore , go and make disciples of all the nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you . And be sure of this : I am with you always , even to the end of the age .”
We are to share the Good News of Jesus , which can sometimes be intimidating , especially to go up to a stranger and work into a conversation about Jesus . Colossians 4:2-4 ( NLT ) says , “ Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart . Pray for us , too , that God will give us many opportunities to speak about His mysterious plan concerning Christ . That is why I am here in chains . Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should .” Are we getting up every day and choosing not to look for opportunities to share with others ? Are we asking God for opportunities ?
“ When Moses came down Mount Sinai carrying the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant , he wasn ’ t aware that his face had become radiant because he had spoken to the LORD ” ( Exodus 34:29 , NLT ). Moses had a connection with God because of the time he spent in His presence . I want to challenge you to make it a goal to share the Gospel with someone . Do you stand out at your school , work , or home ? Can others see the difference in you because you have a relationship with Jesus ? We all should have a “ glow ” about us because of the time we spend with Jesus in His presence .
In the Bible , we read countless accounts of Jesus ’ disciples modeling His command that they share the Gospel two by two . “ And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two , giving them authority to cast out evil spirits ” ( Mark 6:7 NLT ). Maybe you don ’ t have someone to take with you , but don ’ t let that discourage you ! Maybe there ’ s someone you can follow as you learn and grow . But don ’ t forget that the Holy Spirit will go with you as you reach out to those around you . You can also ask a fellow believer to “ go with you ” in prayer .
Though it ’ s scary for us to step out and share about Jesus , an easy way to begin a conversation with someone is the FORM method : Family ; ask them about their family . Do they have brothers and sisters ? Where do they live ? Occupation ; what do they do for work ? For younger people , it may be , “ What sports do you play in school ?” Recreation ; ask what they like to do for fun . Motorcycle ; ask them about what they ride . With a younger person , you may ask various questions like ,” what is your favorite class ?” All of these will provide you with different topics to build a relationship , and then you can ask them if they know Jesus . You can also talk about this challenge you received , to talk to someone about Jesus .
Ask them if you can tell them a little about yourself and then share your two-minute testimony , your story of how you met Jesus , and how He changed your life . Prepare your testimony so that you are ready when the opportunity arises .
After you share with them , ask them if they have accepted Jesus in their life . If they would like to , you can have them pray a simple prayer with you like this :
Dear Jesus , I know that I am a sinner , and I ask for Your forgiveness . I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead . I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life . I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior . Amen .
If they say no , don ’ t be discouraged . You are still planting seeds and can show that person Jesus ’ love . You can also invite them to come to church with you to learn more .
Don ’ t stop after you have shared with one person . Instead , keep pushing on changing the world , one heart at a time !
Take a look at page 20 for CMA Regional Youth Movement Events Coming NEXT MONTH ! CMA
Ben and Rachel Larson serve CMA as National Evangelist Youth Movement .
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