Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 9 | Page 5

CPR may be more popular than CPI CONTINUED

tweet. The question was RT for Club Penguin Island and LIKE for Club Penguin Rewritten. Here are the unsurprising results:

As you can probably see, the Retweet button has 44 hits, whilst the Like button has more than twice as many. Here is what the people think:

So the reason why people prefer CPR, is because it is an exact replica of the desktop version of Club Penguin and there's more things to do, whilst CPI, in the community's opinion, is not a good remake.

But what I found shocking was the fact that if you typed in 'Club Penguin' in Google, CP Rewritten comes up first on the list, rather than Club Penguin Island, and it's not even made by official Club Penguin. Search it up yourself!

Many say that CPI was a mistake. Many others say that CPI will have to shut down at some stage and Club Penguin will die forever. I say, continue to read CP Metro, because we will be posting the close tensions between CPR and CPI.


Issue 9 | 16 July 2017

Unpopular servers on Club Penguin Rewritten (like Abominable) have been full lately, but it is unknown why. Sometime in the middle of the week, we saw the server Deep Freeze completely full and logging in and out continuosly won't help.

It is most likely to be the increase of moderators on the server and moderator meet ups, which CP Rewritten blog.