But just recently, Hagrid rejoined CP Rewritten (although yet again, nobody knows why) and it seems that Codey has decided to postpone all plans of ceasing Club Penguin Rewritten.
This has greatly relieved everyone in the Club Penguin Community. I say it again, Club Penguin Rewritten is NOT closing down.
Though I suggest you keep a close eye on the changes - because like the shocking turn of events of Hagrid leaving CPR, we may see yet another shocking event. But for now, we're safe.
I say it once more, Club Penguin Rewritten will NOT be closing down, so nobody should worry or fret.
If anything does happen, Club Penguin Metro will always keep you updated on the live events as they happen!
Random Pun (don't pun-ish us if it's not good)
What shorts do clouds wear?
Issue 10 | July 22 2017