Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 10 | Page 4

Could bots return on CP Rewritten?

Bots. Bots. Bots.

If you are a Club Penguin player, whether Island or Rewritten, you may shudder at this word. Bots.

If you use to play the 2005 - 2017 Club Penguin, you will that bots were nothing but trouble. Double trouble. Since Club Penguin Island is on mobile, it will be rare, if not impossible, to see any bots on there. However, CP Rewritten is desktop themed, so what does this mean for bots, or hackers?

Since CP Rewritten is on the computer, it is very prone to hacks. In fact, the above picture was only taken on Tuesday, when RPF was having a practice battle and a group of pink penguin bots appeared.

Whether we all like it or not, bots WILL be seeable across the CP Rewritten terrain and there's nothing we can really to stop them. Not even admins will be able to put some sort of program to block bots (even if they could, it might costs lots money). If we do see bots (which we will more often in the future) this is what we will be seeing. I have added some pictures in have have put them in a rare - expected list. (this includes general hackers has well). If a hack is particularly bad, like Number 4 or at times number 3, it will be considered as a 'hack attack.' (hacker may even shut the game down)


Issue 10 | July 22

Issue 10 | July 22 2017