Club of the Month 2022-2023 | Page 8

December - Sagittarius

When : November 23-December 22

Sagittarius connects to the story of Chiron , a famous centaur who was a teacher to many Greek heroes . In one account , Chiron was accidentally poisoned with Heracles ' Hydra blood , and to gain back his immortality , he had to leave his home on Mount Pelion . While seeking immortality , he stumbled upon Zeus , who gave him a place in the stars as Sagittarius . In other cultures , Sagittarius is often represented by horses . According to Norse myth , Odin had an eight-legged horse , Sleipnir , known to be the best of all horses . Sleipnir traveled between lands , carrying souls to the

Activity Ideas - Collect toys for children in need -Teach the myth of Chiron to children at a school or library - Do Secret Saturn within your club to celebrate the holidays world of the dead , Hel .