When : April 21-May 20 The story of Taurus comes from Europa , who was the daughter of King Agenor of Phoenicia . Zeus subjected Europa to his affection , and he would transform into a beautiful , white bull in front of her . Awestruck , Europa climbed up onto the back of the bull , but Zeus carried her across the sea to Crete . Zeus placed the shape of the bull in the heavens , and thus , Taurus was created .
The Egyptians related Taurus with the emergence of life in spring . As the spring equinox crossed paths with Taurus , the Sun would cover the constellation in the west . This symbolized sacrifice and the renewal of land in spring .
Activity Ideas
- Host an ice cream social for the club to end the school year - Clean up trash from a park or highway - Learn about myths of Phoenicia and Crete and share what you learned with another class