CLUB IQ August2017 | Page 13

COMING SOON TO SYDNEY & BRISBANE MarketingSummit Summit Details: Date: Location: Digital era is here, is your Club ready? Date: Location: 10 TH October 2017 Carina Leagues Club, 1390 Creek Rd, Carina QLD 4152 17 TH October 2017 Bankstown Sports Club, 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown NSW 2000 Investment : CMAA Members: $450 + GST Non-Members: $550 + GST Is your club utilising all it can from the digital world? Take advantage of the digital world and make it work for you, not against you. Digital v’s traditional marketing, methods is there still a place for traditional methods, what do your members want? Investment includes course registration, catering and summit networking function *Does not include accomodation, travel/ associated costs ACCM Points Members receive 20pts for summit attendance and a further 10pts if you have to travel more than 100km from your club to attend the summit. To Register Please visit or contact Zoe Clegg for more information at [email protected] Alternatively you can contact the CMAA office on 02 9746 4199 CONTACT THE CM A A F O R M O R E D ETA I L S MAJOR PLATINUM PARTNER Phone 02 9746 4199 IQ 13