CLUB IQ August2017 | Page 11

INTRODUCING YOUR NEW Membership Card... Download the CMAA App from the iTunes or Google play stores - simply search CMAA Log In with your CMAA Membership number and Surname in lowercase You only have to do this once and after the initial login it remains on your phone and ready at any time Your membership card is now an App! Check your points, upcoming events, latest news, gain instant access to zone committee and head office contacts, CMAA trade sponsors and much more PO WE RE D BY BIZ4MOBI. P R O UD SUP P O R T ER S O F C M D A MAJOR PLATINUM PARTNER Level 1, 1 Showground Road, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 • Phone 02 9746 4199 • Web • Email [email protected] • Email [email protected]