CLS Christian Lawyer Magazine June 2014_Proofforweb.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 6
or foreign nationals legally in the
U.S., there are remedies available,
through application for a T Visa
(victims of human traicking)3
and/or U Visa (victims of violent
crimes)4, or upon the application
by federal law enforcement for the
victim’s “continued presence4” in
the U.S. in order to provide evidence of the crime. Victims of traficking or of certain criminal activity who are granted a T or U Visa
may also apply for some family
members to join them in the U.S.,
or remain with them in the U.S. if
the family members are also undocumented or foreign nationals
that face expiring visas.
The Traicking Victims
Protection Act of 2000 irst
criminalized human traicking
as a federal ofense in the
United States. It was enacted
to prevent human traicking
overseas, to protect victims
and help them rebuild their
lives in the U.S., and to
prosecute traickers under
federal penalties.
3. Minor sex traicking can be prosecuted in the absence
of force, fraud or coercion: he TVPA deines anyone
under the age of 18 involved in a commercial sex act as a
victim of sex traicking, based on the premise that they
are not of age to consent to sex. herefore, law enforcement does not need to show force, fraud or coercion as an
element of the crime, making minor sex traicking cases
signiicantly less complicated to prosecute.
4. Human Traicking does not require evidence of the
use of physical force: Proof of coercion or fraud can be
suicient to qualify a traicking situation. Indeed, victims
are most oten controlled by psychological manipulation
and fear instead of, or in addition to, the use of physical
violence. Traickers are adept at using fear of violence
to victims or their loved ones as a means of controlling
their behavior, and the federal law takes this reality into
account by allowing coercion or fraud to suice as proof
of traicking.
World Relief’s Eforts to Combat Human
World Relief, the humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evang