CLS Christian Lawyer Magazine June 2014_Proofforweb.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 2
“They would not call it slavery, but some
other name. Slavery has been fruitful in
giving herself names ... and it will call itself
by yet another name; and you and I and all
of us had better wait and see what new
form this old monster will assume, in what
new skin this old snake will come forth.”
David Nammo,
Executive Director
and CEO
uman traicking may be the new form, name,
or skin of that old snake to which Frederick
Douglass is referring. It is a small phrase with a lot
of meaning. It summarily describes in two simple
words some of the greatest crimes and inhumane acts
going on around us, in our cities, and throughout the
world. Human traicking is “slavery” of old, but with
the modern-day ability to quickly transport many
people across the world and the technology to feed
the desires driving the industry.
Human traicking strips away the humanity of the
victim, giving victims a sense of worthlessness, helplessness, and hopelessness. he millions of victims
of human traicking, the vast majority of whom are
never rescued, either die in their circumstances or
live with the scars of being someone else’s “product.”
he statistics behind this crime are staggering. here
are more than 27 million slaves in the world today –
more than at any other time in history. It is a $32 billion dollar industry and is the second-largest source
Managing Editor
Philip Lewis
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Christian Legal Society
8001 Braddock Road, Suite 302
Springield, Virginia 22151
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David Nammo
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Christian Lawyer are solely the responsibility of
the authors and are not necessarily those of the
editors or members of the Christian Legal Society.
of income for international organized crime, behind
drugs. Eighty percent of traicking victims are women and half are minors.
Lest we Americans think we are immune, over
15,000 victims (men, women and children) are
traicked into the United States each year. It is the
second-fastest growing criminal industry in the U.S.
And the average age of entry is 12. he number of
American children estimated to be at risk of sexual
exploitation, including commercial sexual exploitation, is 244,000.
hankfully, the church is not silent.
One of the authors in this issue, Wendy Patrick,
describes the people involved in human traicking
as “those who earn their living marketing priceless
goods – human beings – image bearers of God.” It is
why she and so many other Christians are passionate
and dedicated to stopping this horrible crime.
Churches and ministries across the world have entered the fray to end human traicking. As Christians, we understand that life is precious, from conception to natural death. And although the Christian
Legal Society is not directly involved in the ight
against human traicking, many of those on the
front lines are -- like Ms. Patrick – Christian lawyers
making a diference.
Some call the faith-based push against human traicking the new “Christian abolitionist movement.” But
it doesn’t really mater by what name it is called, it is
time for us to push back, to prosecute and imprison
those involved, and to do our part to bring it to an end.
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of our editorial guidelines, please write
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irst to [email protected] describing
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The Christian Lawyer is
a publication of:
Christian Legal Society
8001 Braddock Road, Suite 302
Springield, Virginia 22151
Main Oice: 703-894-1070
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