CLS Christian Lawyer Magazine June 2014_Proofforweb.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 16

ATTORNEY MIN I ST R I ES SELLING PRICELESS GOODS WENDY L. PATRICK, J.D., M.DIV., PH.D. I n beautiful downtown Pohang, South Korea, there is a dirty secret. One block of the main drag, right next to the police station, there is a dark street with glitering lights . . . a street that comes alive at night. No signs advertise the merchandise displayed in these windows . . . it is obvious what is for sale. Customers window-shop, inspecting the wares, sometimes stopping to inquire if there are any deals. I walked through the glitering street recently with a group of Christian law students—although for a very diferent reason. While customers were there to question the worth of the merchandise, our mission was to redeem it. As you have probably igured out, the merchandise was women. Balancing Grace and Justice for a Living As a deputy district atorney in the sex crimes and human traficking division of the San Diego District Atorney’s Oice, I 14 prosecute human traickers for a living. At the same time, as an ordained minister, I also understand grace. What was I doing in the red light district of Pohang, South Korea? In connection with teaching a class on Human Traicking at Handong International Law School, I accompanied a group of Christian law students who visit the red light district as a ministry, hoping to inluence the women there to abandon their lifestyle and accept Jesus Christ. hese women probably have not heard that as negatively as they view themselves, they are created in the image of God. “God created human beings in his own image” (Genesis 1:27) I have to admit that when we turned into the alley and I saw the irst scantily clad woman striking a provocative pose in the window, teetering in heels so high she could barely balTHE CHRISTIAN LAWYER | JUNE 2014