CLS Christian Lawyer Magazine June 2014_Proofforweb.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 11
hey’re like me, I can do that!” And we work hard to keep the
structure, and to keep everything … I don’t let anybody sit for
a minute, whether they are my children, or whether they are
people who work for me. Or even my volunteers.
What would you consider to be the best way for
lawyers and legal professionals across the country to
become involved in this cause?
Dr. Lee: Well, I’ll tell you, because so many people think the
job of the lawyers is to clear the kid’s charges. But these kids
need everyday law. hey need immigration, they need access to health services, they need their warrants expunged or
sealed. You know, many times we have a lot of girls who call us
who, because they are going to be in some ield that requires
a D.O.J. licensing ingerprint clearance, and it pops up that
when they were sixteen, they were arrested for prostitution.
hey lied about their age and said they were nineteen, and they
never went to court because it wasn’t their real name anyway.
So now, it’s like they’ve got warrants out for their arrest under
diferent names, but the ingerprints match, the same ingerprints that they’re geting their license for to run a children’s
home or go into a nursing program of some sort.
So, there is a lot of work, in terms, sometimes, of just geting
a death certiicate, so they can be entitled to social security
beneits, and they don’t know how to do that. Sometimes they
want to change the name of their child, because the child has
the pimp’s last name. Or because they’ve got a daddy’s name
that they’ve never known. So, every possible thing, and a lot
of it is minor law, not anything that involves litigation—it is
forms and it is protocol, which lawyers come by easy. And we
need lots and lots of that, and we have kids all over the United
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