Cloudflare-for-Gaming-Solution-Brief | Page 2

Why gaming companies choose Cloudflare
Most gaming companies aspire to have thousands of users playing their game simultaneously . However , supporting this many players at once can create technical strain , especially because latency hurts player performance and experience .
Unfortunately , performance and reliability are not the only challenges gaming companies face . They also must prepare for attackers targeting them with credential stuffing , phishing , ‘ gold farming ,’ and distributed denial of service ( DDoS ) attacks .
Focusing on gaming companies can be lucrative for attackers because of the high demand for ingame items . Additionally , lax authentication measures make gaming an easier target than many other industries .
Gaming industry attacks can have a massive impact . For example , when attackers targeted Zynga . com in late 2019 , they accessed personal data associated with over 200 million ‘ Words with Friends ’ and ‘ Draw Something ’ accounts .
The gaming industry is also a popular target for DDoS attacks . Before the gaming company Curse switched to Cloudflare , attackers inundated them with DDoS attacks to the point that their DDoS appliance was no longer sufficient . Craig Bradberry , a Production Systems Manager at Curse , shared , “ The attackers started doing bandwidth based attacks . After that , we couldn ’ t use on premise products because these DDoS attacks were getting so big that they were taking down the entire data center .” Unfortunately , Curse is not the exception when it comes to facing large-scale attacks . DDoS attacks are constantly evolving , so securing games is increasingly challenging .
Between growing their communities , meeting player expectations , and defending against attacks , gaming companies have their work cut out for them . To remain competitive , gaming companies need a solution that keeps their game online and enables fast , latency-free gameplay without leaving their intellectual property and players ’ data vulnerable to attacks .

Why gaming companies choose Cloudflare

Cloudflare offers a suite of performance , security , and reliability solutions to help protect and accelerate your game .
Improve your game ’ s performance .
Protect your game and its players .
Keep your game online and your players happy .
Deploy quickly and easily with serverless technology .
Predictable pricing
Avoid surprise overages with transparent pricing .
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