04 / 10 / 2016 Cloud Database and Database as a Service ( DBaaS ) Market worth $ 14.05 Billion by 2019
MarketsandMarkets has segmented the global cloud database and DBaaS by types of databases , by software solutions , by different deployment as well as service models , by end users , and by regions , namely North America ( NA ), Asia Pacific ( APAC ), Europe ( EU ), Middle East and Africa ( MEA ), and Latin America ( LA ). Vendors offer cloud database solutions based on the data model they use and the infrastructure they are built‐on . The major cloud database deployment models analyzed in the report are Infrastructure as a Service , Platform as a Service , and Database as a Service , these models differ by the level of administrative control a user gets .
The major forces which are driving this market are the innovations in ways of data storing and memory allocation . The demand of cloud database solutions is expected to grow in coming years , as traditional approach for storing databases are difficult to manage . Moreover , cloud databases enable organizations to focus on their business critical applications and underlying infrastructure is managed by service provider . Companies providing different offerings in terms of virtualization and DBaaS solutions are looking forward to gain better competitive advantage in this growing market , thereby creating new solutions for the overall Cloud Database and DBaaS Market . The growing momentum towards virtualization as means of consolidation of IT recourses is driving the growth of cloud based services and eventually growth of cloud databases . Providing easy access to databases with minimum or no tedious administration costs is pushing organizations to move their ever increasing on‐premise database workloads to cloud .
MarketsandMarkets forecasts the Cloud Database and DBaaS Market to grow from $ 1.07 billion in 2014 to $ 14.05 billion by 2019 , at a Compound Annual Growth Rate ( CAGR ) of 67.30 % during the forecast period of 2014‐2019 .
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