Closing the Gap in Communication Volume 5 | Page 4
In the past time, there have been
many changes, especially in
technology. With the arrival of the
computer, cell phone, television, radio
and so forth, people now can be more
communicated and can have a better
knowledge of what´s happening
around the World. This evolution of
technology has made life much more
We can see technology all around
us: in our house, at work, at school,
everywhere of course it
has given us a lot, but
also it has taken a lot
from us. In the recent
time the young people
spend more time in the
Internet than with their
parents. Ironically the Internet can let
us know and understand different
cultures and communicate with people
far away but taken the time to spend
time with the people around.
According to a freshly Publisher
report of the Pow Internet and
communication with their peers as they share
messages on their social network pages, in
emails and instant messages online, and
through their cell phones.
Text messaging is the vocabulary of this new
generation , the technological generation. It
allows us to understand words faster, but at
the same time it affects our orthography, the
way we write.
The survey that we
made at our school, Dr.
Máximo Donoso
Sánchez, ’’Max’’, shows
that students will be more
addicted to the Internet
according to their age.
We interviewed 25
students between the ages
of 11-14 years who tend to use the Internet to
look for information and do homework
meanwhile students between the ages of 1518 tend to Chat and play in the Internet, so
they are more addicted to it and spend more
time. From these results we can infer that the
older the person is, the more addicted he/she
can be to the Internet, specially during the
teenage years.This is a fact, because
American Life Project and the National teenagers tend to look for new experiences
Comision on writing, the vast majority and like to know and meet new people and
of teens have eagerly embraced written the Internet is perfect for that purpose.