Clinton Spring 2024 | Page 15

Skyline Center , Inc . Executive Director Brandon Rumler ( left ) with other members of Skyline ' s leadership . raise the operating fee of redemption centers as anticipated to two center per container from the single cent per container that had been given since 1979 and the center was unable to generate any revenue .
Skyline as a whole had continued to grow , though , with the 1997 acquisition of the former Heartland warehouse and an adjoining building – 40,000 square feet of manufacturing space that Skyline turned into the DeWitt Specialty Packaging work center , employing 40 individuals .
In 2004 , Skyline Home Health began to assist individuals with bathing , dressing , oral hygiene , diabetes care , wound care , medications , light housekeeping , laundry , meals , and physical or occupational therapy . Skyline ’ s Home Health services has since expanded to providing aid to members of the community outside of Skyline .
In the spring of 2008 , Meadow Heights Apartments ’ 26 low-income units built on 28th Avenue North for individuals with intellectual disabilities and governed by the Iowa Finance Authority opened for occupancy .
In 2012 , the Iowa State Legislature passed a bill into law that removed “ mental retardation ” from its documents . The phrase first developed for clinical use had over time taken on negative connotations , until changes at the federal level began in 2010 when then-President Barack Obama implemented Rosa ’ s Law that removed the phrase from federal education , health , and labor statutes , replacing it with “ intellectual disability .”
Then , in 2019 , came the onset of the Covid pandemic .
“ It was a very difficult time for everybody , but particularly community providers , because we had individuals that were quarantined at home for long periods of time which affected their mental health , affected behaviors ,” Rumler said . “ And throughout that time , just financially , it was a struggle , because a lot of our services were reduced because of Covid .”
As opposed to state institutions that historically operated with the intent of mostly harboring individuals indoors to protect them from the stresses of the outside world , Skyline strives to do the opposite through its services and integrate individuals into the community . Day Habilitation is a service at Skyline in which its individuals are taken out into the community , maybe just to visit a museum or otherwise to volunteer in various ways .
“ A lot of community involvement and outings ,” Rumler said . “ Those all stopped .”
That same year , the Eastern Iowa Mental Health and Disabilities Services Region that provides Skyline with a portion of its funding was forced to cut just over $ 1 million from its budgets . The cut included $ 250,000 that was provided for work spaces like Skyline ’ s South 21st Street sheltered workshop .
The individuals working there were told they ’ d have to return to Skyline ’ s Day Hab facility and wouldn ’ t be able to work that day . Ruler said the announcement was met with heavy disappointment and a lot of tears as everyone was transported back to the north end of town .
Instead of closing the workshop , the decision was made to switch to an integrated work setting .
The 60,000 square-foot production facility allows individuals to work with coaches on employment skills and ( if not employed elsewhere in the community ) earn a sub-rated wage , while integrated with others not diagnosed with intellectual or developmental disabilities , working in packing , light assembly , and order fulfillment for local businesses like CustomPak and Air Freshener . Skyline ’ s own products , like small cotton cleaning patches are cut and packaged for sale on Amazon or skylineproducts . org and for the use of company partners such as in firearm cleaning kits .
Working there means a lot to these individuals and gives them a feeling of purpose , Rumler said . Losing that is almost like taking away their identity .
Skyline now employs 140 staff members that provide an exceptional number of services to approximately 125 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities .
“ We ’ re kind of a swiss army knife of community service providers , because we provide so many different services ,” Rumler said . “ I ’ ve been telling people since our 60th celebration back in November that there ’ s really three reasons that are keys to our success and longevity .”
Skyline continues to meet a need to provide services for individuals with intellectual disabilities , they provide a high level of quality of services , and they have “ a wonderful staff that is passionate about the mission ,” Rumler said .
As new businesses come to the Clinton area , he added , there will be more people moving to the area and , thus , more people in need of Skyline ’ s services .
Eventually , Rumler hopes to build a new administration building and Day Habilitation services building all-in-one as the Schick hospital buildings that were built in 1943 , “ It ’ s not the most efficient ,” he said .
Rumler doesn ’ t like to hear anything negative about Clinton , though .
“ It really bothers me , because I ’ m on a side where I see people that are generous to donate or volunteer their time ,” he said , “ Clinton is such a great community . I mean , I can ’ t say that enough .”
Learn more about Skyline Center , Inc . online at skylinecenter . org .