Scouting toward success
“ It ’ s pretty amazing how you can see some of these kids come out of their shell over the years .”
- Matt Steenhard , Boy Scout Troop 642
Scout Master
Ethan Middendorp received assistance from other Boy Scouts on the dock project . Jenna Blount / Clinton Magazine paperwork . He answered any questions Middendorp had and also attended the City Council meeting at which Middendorp presented his idea for the project . Steenhard says that because of Middendorp ’ s maturity , expectations of him were high .
“ He ’ s done a really good job with the project .” Steenhard says .
Middendorp plans to remain a part of the Scouts as an adult leader , as he has two younger brothers , Isaac and Ashton , who are also in the Scouts , and he wants to help them with their Eagle rank projects . He ’ s thankful for the Scouts and adults who helped him with the project , as well as Bill and Kelly Schemers , Craft , Eggers and TWR Dock and Marine .
The Boys Scouts is mainly a volunteer organization , but the lack of adult leaders is one of the biggest challenges it ’ s currently facing . Steenhard believes it ’ s because the perception of the role is much more demanding than it is in reality .
16 Clinton Magazine Summer 2022
He and others in the organization are also working to increase enrollment and find new ways to keep present Scouts interested in the program , including an upcoming event , what he describes as a “ Hunger Games-esque campout ” that both the adults and kids are excited for .
He says the goal is essentially to get kids to the Eagle rank before the fumes hit them : “ And that ’ s the car fumes and the perfumes ," he said .
Steenhard has learned from his experiences with the Scouts , just as the youths in the program do . Over the past few years , he ’ s learned to have more patience and humility . He ’ s also had some incredibly fulfilling moments as an adult in the program as well , such as witnessing a very shy little boy who ’ d just joined the Cub Scouts slowly gain the confidence to sing in front of a 150-person audience at camp years later .
“ It ’ s pretty amazing how you can see some of these kids come out of their shell over the years ," he says . C
Join Cub Scouts !
The Cub Scouting program is a yearround program that boys and girls can join at anytime . It ’ s flexible enough to work with other programs that youth may also be involved in .
Pack 140 Clinton is looking for boys and girls K-5 to join our group ! For more information , contact Brad Lewis at 714-405-2336 or email brad . lewis @ scouting . org !
To connect with local BSA units to sign up or to volunteer as a leader , visit www . beascout . org .