Scouting toward success
“ I love being on the water and I kind of wanted to build that dock so that it would allow new beginners , new boaters , the chance to get on the water without having the struggles of trying to get into the boat without anything to help them .”
- Ethan Middendorp , Boy Scout
Ethan Middendorp , right , works on his dock with employees from TWR Dock and Marine . Submitted photo
He became involved with the Scouts again in 2019 , when his wife and son attended a Cub Scouts recruitment meeting . Steenhard had to be out of town and couldn ’ t attend with his family , but he received a text message from his wife about halfway through the meeting . It said the pack was in need of leaders and “ I ’ m going to sign you up .”
Steenhard didn ’ t refuse the opportunity . Activities like selling popcorn or pinewood derbies are commonly associated with the Scouts .
“ Those are things that you definitely remember , being a youth ,” Steenhard says , and that he ’ s “ just trying to make it as fun for the current Scouts as what we remember . Improve on it and make it better .”
The fun that his troop has , though , additionally provides hands-on reinforcement of the important lessons that Scouting has to offer .
Middendorp joined Cub Scouts around the time he was in second or third grade . Now 18 years old and about to graduate from Camanche High School next year , he ’ s at the end of his time as a youth in the Scouts . Middendorp recalls the adventures , like a trip to Yellowstone last summer , and the great people that he ’ s met through Scouting that he ’ ll miss .
The program has taught him responsibility and leadership , time-management and teamwork skills that he ’ ll be able to move forward with . He hopes to also have the achievement of the Eagle rank under his belt .
The requirements of the rank include the achievement of 21 certain merit badges and the completion of a project that services the community in some way .
Middendorp talked to his neighbors , Bill and Kelly Schemers , who helped him decide what he wanted to do for this project
14 Clinton Magazine Summer 2022