Climate Change: Considerations for Geographic Combatant Commands PKSOI Paper | Page 24

ability assessments.48 Though USAID’s Development Laboratory (DevLab) has a scope broader than climate change considerations, GCCs can also work with and leverage innovations from DevLab’s work in support of U.S. development goals.49 The body of knowledge and tools being developed by SERDP, DevLab and the various technical publications detailed above are available to GCCs in support of their adaptation efforts with the GCC’s IA and multinational partners.50  The IC “Water Threats” assessment concluded that “neglecting infrastructure investments (e.g., dams, canals, and water management sensors) can also increase vulnerability to extreme weather events.”51 The IC addressed studies that have shown that water investments reduce damage from extreme weather events from 25-30 percent of GDP to around 5 percent making these investments a crucial element in achieving social stability.52 USACE and SOUTHCOM’s on-going advisory role to Brazil’s CODEVASF water planning authority and SOUTHCOM’s recently completed Joint Assessment of climate change risks co