How will climate change affect animals?
All of the animals that hibernate are likely going to get up earlier because the temperature will be higher allowing animals to not have to sleep. This is not necessarily negative, but it is affecting them. The distribution of animals is also going to be in affect, many species are going to be migrating closer to the poles as a response to the risen temperature. When migrating, the birds are going to be arriving and laying eggs sooner. When the sea level rises by just 50 cm, sea turtles are going to lose their nesting beaches, which will mean they have to move to another bach or maybe it will lead to their death. In addition, seals also need beaches to raise their pups on, a risen sea level wouldn't allow them to do so. Also, the sea level will damage the coastal area: dolphins and whales need still and shallow water to train their pups, but if it’s damaged it will be difficult. Although no animals are expected to go extinct because of global warming, many migratory animals like birds and fish are expected to be negatively affected by this major world issue.