to the devastating effects of human-caused warming of the planet . Strategies that Mount Auburn implements to reverse the global warming trend can be adapted by staff and visitors as ‘ take home ’ messages .
This illustration depicts the heat index ( that is , what the temperature feels like to us because of humidity and wind ) of Massachusetts in higher and lower emission scenarios . Regardless of which emission scenario is followed , the temperature is warming . By mid-century the temperature around the Boston area could feel like that of New Jersey ( lower emissions scenario ) or Maryland ( higher emissions scenario ) compared with a baseline c 1970 .
Therefore , Mount Auburn is concerned about the plant collections and is adding different species where diversity will be key to ensuring there are plants at a warmer and wetter Mount Auburn .
Generating electricity through solar panels on the Operations Center and purchasing renewable energy certificates ( REC ) ensures investments are wisely made in renewable electricity . Mount Auburn has already been a model of sustainable landscape maintenance practices by holding workshops with other organizations such as The Trustees , Mass Audubon Society , and the National Park Service . These workshops have featured our composting and recycling center and various other environmentally sensitive practices that we have been carrying out for many years . In 2014 Mount Auburn was the first cemetery in the metropolitan area to offer natural burial – that is burial without the requirement of a concrete grave liner or vault .
Figure 3 -Source : Northeast Climate Impact Assessment 2006 , Union of Concerned Scientists - https :// climateshift . com / downloads / nort heast / massachuetts _ necia . pdf
Sharing Mount Auburn ’ s successes and failures can assist others in making educated decisions about what is best for the management of their organizations and / or what actions individuals may implement at their homes .
Mount Auburn ’ s 18-Month Strategic Bridge Plan , approved by the Board of Trustees in January 2021 , contains goals and objectives under the following three themes :
• Openness and Welcome
• Beauty and Serenity
• Stewardship and Sustainability
These three themes evolved from our recently completed Vision and Values process and were defined by the executive leadership team and a trustee task force independently of the American Public Gardens Association ( APGA ) New Sustainability Index ; however , they dovetail beautifully . APGA ’ s Sustainability Index is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , which was adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic United Nations Summit .
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 4