to 28 gallons of bleach . It lasts four times longer , without the odor , irritation and volatility of bleach .
• Neem oil is a naturally occurring
pesticide found in seeds from the neem tree . It is used as a general insecticide for many pests . We use it primarily for aphids . The oil is sprayed on the plants leaves or the pest itself . The pest ingests the oil which causes the insect to stop feeding , disrupts molting , interrupts mating , and suffocates through smothering .
• Rootshield Plus contains two strains of bacteria Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma virens . These bacteria are used as a preventative biological fungicide to control pathogens such as pythium , rhizoctonia , fusarium , cylindrocladium , and thielaviopsis , and phytophthora . Typically , we combine Rootshield , Actinovate , and Botaniguard together and dip newly arrived plants in a liquid solution then reapply as a soil drench several weeks later .
• Ultra-Pure Oil is a mineral oil used as a spray to control adelgids , aphids , fungus gnats , lacebugs , leafminers , leafhoppers , mealybugs , mites , scale , thrips , whiteflies , webworms and powdery mildew on ornamentals .
Looking ahead to the future , we fully expect Mount Auburn Cemetery to maintain the current philosophy and commitment – both out on the grounds and in the greenhouse – to practicing Integrated Pest Management , focusing on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques including biological control , cultural practices , physical / mechanical methods , and the use of resistant plant varieties . Pesticides will continue to be used only after careful monitoring indicates they are needed as a last resort , and all pest control materials will be selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risk to human health , beneficial and non-target organisms , and the environment .
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 57