second effort is spring arthropod monitoring . This effort focuses on observing the undersides of leaves of specimens along the phenology trail . Species diversity , numbers and damage are documented . Lastly , a breeding bird survey begins every spring in which all bird species seen or heard at 16 points in the cemetery are documented , along with any nesting behavior , such as transporting nest materials or the feeding of newborns . All three studies collect useful data and when the data is put together , much can be learned about the impact of weather and climate on the success of wildlife and habitat in relation to our warming climate .
A second invertebrate research project underway is a dragonfly study to determine which species are taking advantage of the urban habitat and are successfully breeding at Mount Auburn . A third effort is a pollinator flower visitation survey that has been implemented to document the presence and abundance of primarily insect pollinators , but any pollinator observed is documented . This study provides information on urban pollinators and aids in the evaluation of plant material for habitat value . Finally , Mount Auburn houses a honey bee apiary and a certified beekeeper is on staff . This is particularly important for our efforts to educate the public about the importance of pollinators and in advocating for local conservation efforts .
Goals for Wildlife Habitat & Biodiversity
SHORT-TERM GOALS ( FY2022 - FY2024 ):
1 . Continue on-going annual actions : a . citizen science biodiversity research studies b . landscape monitoring 2 . Implement Urban Coyote Study 3 . Implement Drift Fence with Funnel Trap Herpetofauna Study ( part of Ruggiero Grant )
MEDIUM-TERM GOALS ( FY2025 – FY2034 ): 1 . Convert 25 % more turf areas to more sustainable fescue mixes or groundcovers . ( see
Biodiversity in Plant Collections Narrative for other specific goals ).
LONG-TERM GOALS ( FY2035 - FY2050 ): 1 . Reintroduce recommended native amphibian , reptile and fish species .
Mount Auburn Cemetery | Climate Action & Sustainability Plan 43